Total Automation. Production of professional fabric cutting tables, machines for blinds&awnings manufacturing - Total Automation - TA RUS
Viber/WApp/Telegram: +7(925) 7457569 (EN/DE/FR)

Are textile cutting tables or any other equipment for curtains and blinds production needed?

"TA is a leading manufacturer of fabric cutting tables and ancillary equipment in Kazakhstan and CIS countries"

We are in business to automate business of our customers.

From day one it's always been about the customer and its process. Our customer is our lifeblood.

TA is a full solution company. You can take pretty well any fabric you want and make something from it with our machines.

With more than 8 years of experience, we’ve built and installed hundreds of cutting machines. There are tens of thousand of people earning their livelihoods on TA cutting tables and other equipment from TA.

The support doesn't end after the machine is put. The support doesn’t end when the problem is resolved. The support is an on-going thing. And it continues even if the things are running well.

Whatever you want to accomplish, whatever your dream is for your company, we'll build you THE machine to do that.

We provide the customer with the right machine, the right tool, the right logistic solution, the right support to get what he needs.

When we get a customer who is happy and the machines are doing what is needed, we certainly take pride in that.

Whatever you need, we are here and we are going to help you out.

Roman Osipov, founder
Equipment for roller blinds manufacturing

Equipment for roller blinds manufacturing

Fabric cutting tables, winding devices, inspection hoist etc.



 and special fabric cutting tables
Package for Roller Blinds

Package for Roller Blinds

box, caps and ancillary equipment

Ultrasonic knifes  SONOWAVE

Ultrasonic knifes SONOWAVE

for cutting fabric with edge soldering

An industrial fabric cutting table -
our video

Presentation of our industrial fabric cutting tables (CS type)


An industrial fabric cutting table -video testimonial from our customers

 Our fabric cutting table of R,B,RS types in use (video made in a roller blinds production facility)


Machine for cost-effective production of vertical blinds ТА VB-3

Cost-effective machine with electronically adjustable parameters


Ultrasonic Strip Cutting Machine

The machine is designed for automatic cutting of synthetic fabric strips


Our clients




  • Russian Federation, Moscow region, Chekhov district, Sergeevo, Industrial zone Sergeevo, bld.3
  • Viber/WApp/Telegram:
    +7(925) 7457569 (EN/DE/FR)
  • Skype: Export TA KAZ


© Copyright 2012-2024 . All rights reserved Total Automation. Production of professional fabric cutting tables, machines for blinds&awnings manufacturing.
